To be a writer is to be a storyteller.
And to tell a story--to communicate a message--in the most compelling way
possible, you need first to understand the audience.
I've been
making my living by putting words on paper since 1981. I've written feature
articles and news stories for national magazines, created newsletters and
brochures, edited books and encyclopedia articles, scripted video and radio
Like any good writer, I take pleasure
in the well-crafted phrase. But good writing requires other communication
skills, too.
I struggle to put just the right words
on paper so that I can explain complex ideas simply. What's more,
I try to string those words together in such a fashion that they
fall rhythmically on the ear.
Samples here include feature writing, speeches, and ephemera ranging
from newsletters and brochures to CD liner notes. (I'll spare you
the agony of my first columns for the Irondequoit Press,
for which I was paid the princely sum of $5 a column to cover the
high school beat back in the mid-70's.)
If you're going to read only one thing, check out either "Seafaring
Traditions Live On in Bath," a Museum News story about
why continuing the traditions of wooden boatbuilding is as important
as preserving historic vessels at the Maine Maritime Museum, or
"Gleanings from Treleaven," an engaging personal piece
for the Finger Lakes Wine Gazette about my harvest-time adventures
in a Finger Lakes vineyard.
For samples of radio/television broadcast writing, see projects
And take a look at the resume if you'd
like to put these pieces in context with my employers, which range
from the American Association of Museums and the Smithsonian to
a wide assortment of higher education institutions and associations.
[Click on titles or images below to find more information about
each one.]
Feature Writing
the World in 80 Ways: A Guide to Museum Travel Programs
In the late 1980s, museums were just beginning to explore (and exploit)
the potential of expeditions for members. This Museum News
piece discussed pros and cons and planning issues; it included a survey
of American museums offering trips and a sampling of interesting programs
available. |
It: Women as Museum Leaders
As women moved into the upper echelons of museum management, Museum
News examined what it takes to move up--and my profiles offered
ten succinct portraits of women who had done so successfully.

Colloquium: Museums, Learning, and the Web
What are museums
doing on the internet? A look at how history art museums, science
centers, zoos, and aquariums are helping to change the way we learn.
(Delivered in fulfillment of Park Fellowship requirements; Ithaca
College, May 7, 1998)
Sound Design: Using Audio as a Creative Tool.
at Museums and the Web 2000, the presentation offers a review
of good (and bad) sound design, proposes ground rules for designing
with sound, briefly covers currently available tools, and offers
a consideration of the future potential of web sound design.
and Community
the 1999 Museums and the Web conference, I chaired a multimedia
panel presentation in New Orleans with speakers from Brazil, Kenya,
and the U.S addressing the ways in which museums are beginning to
establish genuinely interactive web content that reflects--and is
a product of--their communities.
for Accepted Students
Ithaca College needed
to develop a piece that delivered to prospective students at a point in
the cycle after they had been accepted but had not yet made their decision;
this jazzy tabloid fit the bill
Ithaca College London Center
International Programs
felt that a brand-new brochure would increase participation in the school's
London Center program--and strengthen the argument that Ithaca College
offered an education that prepared students to be "citizens of the world."
Stumped for a way
to light a fire under prospective students who'd inquired about
Ithaca but then neglected to ever follow up on the inquiry, I came
up with this simple postcard mailer. |
Debris/Hog-Tie Sessions CD
Hog-Tie Sessions is
a terrific local band; they released their first album in 1998 and I coordinated
the graphics production of the project, teaming up with Carol Goodling
who designed the piece from J. Underwood's original art.
letter to a friend
I still like writing
letters, especially when I've got lots of stuff to talk about. Here's part
of a long one I wrote to a friend that tells the story of one recent road-trip
adventure: I drove cross-country through Canada to Seattle (where I did
a two-month internship at the Experience Music Project), then down the
west coast to Los Angeles, and back across the southern route with stops
in New Mexico, Kansas, and Ohio before arriving home in New York.
©TLC Productions 1999. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized use or reposting of photos or graphics prohibited.